A Maker Space and Business Incubator Comes to Concord!

Concord, New Hampshire’s “Creative Capital,” is about to launch a new creative asset for people who love to make things. Making Matters, the latest maker space facility in New Hampshire, is opening in the former Beede Electric Building just south of Penacook Village Center.

Imagine a space where members of the community can come together to share with each other, learn from each other, and create something with their own two hands. Think of it as a “do it yourselfers gym.” Making Matters is 9,000 square feet of makers space and shared work space for creating and collaboration. The makerspace will have shared tools and equipment, private offices and shared workspace and education and resources for artisans, entrepreneurs and innovators of all backgrounds.

The makerspace will feature a fully outfitted woodshop, a prototyping lab with 3D printers and laser cutters, a fiber arts studio, a metal shop and more. Making Matters will provide creators and tinkerers of all skill levels with the opportunity to make something with their own hands. Making Matters hopes to attract everyone from the hobbyist to the more serious entrepreneur who wants to create, patent and bring a new product to market.

There will be many and varied educational opportunities. There will be classes on robotics, proper use of tools, jewelry making, making musical instruments just to name a few.

And speaking of collaboration, Making Matters makerspace has joined forces with HRKNSScowork, Concord’s new co working space and monthly entrepreneurial speaker series taking shape in the Capital Commons building in downtown Concord. HRKNSScowork is an emerging business incubator that is complimentary to Making Matters in terms of providing educational opportunities and stimulating the entrepreneurial spirit in the Capital Region. Hotel Concord (located in the same building as HRKNSScowork) is now home to the monthly 1 Million Cups speaker series in Concord. 1 Million Cups of Central New Hampshire is an entrepreneur-focused event developed by the Kauffman Foundation and brought to Concord by Making Matters NH. The idea is that communities around the country will share 1 million cups of coffee while developing their entrepreneurial ecosystems.

The launching of Making Matters and HRKNSScowork in greater Concord is sure to further stimulate our growing creative economy! For more information on Making Matters, go to https://www.makingmattersnh.org. For more information on HRKNSScowork, got to https://www.facebook.com/HRKNSScowork/.
